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Controlled Medication Protocol

Your pet has been prescribed a controlled drug. Please review and sign.
  • In accordance to US DEA Drug Control Act regarding opioid medications:
    • For acute pain or condition, the dose shall not exceed a 7-day supply. If after 7 days additional medications are still needed for the condition or control of pain, the patient must be seen and re­evaluated.
    • For chronic pain or condition that requires treatment beyond 7 days, the patient must be seen and re-evaluated at least every six months.
    • Due to the risk of drug abuse, opioid medications are prescribed only in the case that other medications are ineffective.
    • Pet owners are responsible for securing opioid medications once prescribed. Do not allow access to medications to minors or vulnerable persons.
    • Pet owners are responsible for proper disposal of any unused drug.
    o For your convenience, Walgreens in Warrenton, VA has a medication collection unit located in their lobby.
  • Your Information

    If any controlled medications need to be called into a pharmacy in the future, please list your information below
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY